瓦解银行业 5月11日北京2016
Disruption in Banking, Beijing, 11th May 2016
Disruption in Banking, Beijing, 11th May 2016
瓦解银行业 5月11日 北京2016
Disruption in Banking Beijing, 11th May 2016
继斯德哥尔摩 (10/11/2015),伦敦 (20/01/2016) 和巴黎 (21/01/2016),瓦解银行业也会在旧金山(18/04/2016), 斯德哥尔摩 (北欧活动22/04/2016), 也即将来到北京为您带来最杰出的金融科技体验。本活动将有来自一亿美金收入金融科技公司创始人的企业故事和最新的金融科技发展趋势。次活动有助于首席执行官,首席创新官,企业风险,并购和来自银行,金融,保险,电信,接近金融科技的媒体和风险投资公司的商业领袖。关于演讲机会或活动报名详情,请联系嘉美(微信:jiamei1401)
活动前夕 (与中华股权投资协会协办) - 特别邀请
5月10日 19:00-20:30 深入了解金融科技的发展趋势
Dušan Stojanović, 2013 年最杰出天使投资人 - 共有18个金融科技投资, 9 个已退出, 2016 年亚洲头100名金融科技领袖
No. 35 Qinglong Alley, Anding Gate, Dongcheng District, Beijing.
08:30-08:45 登记
08:45-08:50 欢迎致辞
季波, 助理院长, 全球高层管理教育, 长江商学院
08:50-09:15 全球金融科技中心和金融科技领域的演进
Dušan Stojanović, 2013 年最杰出天使投资人 - 共有18个金融科技投资, 9 个已退出, 2016 年亚洲头100名金融科技领袖
09:15-09:45 美国趋势
Christian Jorg, Founder & CEO Opentopic, 认知数字营销
旧金山:Greg Brogger,Sharespost CEO & 创始人, 连续创业者
09:45-10:15 中国所见的美国趋势 - 机器人顾问
Jonathan Cai, COO of iMaibo.net
Gregory Van den Bergh, CEO 弥财
10:15-10:50 创业故事, 支付 & 区块连
Tim Lee, 钱方好近創始人
特别嘉宾:Pavel Bains, CEO of Bluzelle “区块链, 瑞波,以太坊 - 谁会是大赢家?" - Bluzelle. 快速,自适应,灵便的区块链方案。最适应用于金融保险和外汇。
10:50-11:10 茶点
11:10-12:00 创业故事 - 每个演讲成员都已经成立并运行超过1亿美元收入的金融科技公司
贷款 - 积木盒子, 点融网, 挖财, 盼贷
12:00-12:40 企业用户案例
客户的大数据分析和企业用户案例 -中國工商銀行,Social Touch
数据业务和企业用户案例 - 百融金服
主持:Dusan Stojanovic
12:40-12:45 结束语
季波, 助理院长, 全球高层管理教育, 长江商学院
12:45 交流午宴 (特别邀请)
星期三·,5月11日2016年, 8点半到12点45
True Global Ventures 是由国际世界领先的科技企业家出身的天使投资人。True Global Ventures充分利用个人网络和创始人的专业知识在9个城市专门在B2B 金融科技和支付投资。
长江商学院 创办于2002年11月21日,是由李嘉诚基金会捐资创办并获得中国政府正式批准,拥有独立法人资格的非赢利性教育机构,为国际管理教育协会(AACSB)和欧洲管理发展基金会成员,是国务院学位委员会批准的“工商管理硕士授予单位”。学院有MBA、金融MBA、EMBA、高层管理教育四个项目。MBA项目为全日制英文授课。超过45%的长江MBA学生有机会前往欧美商学院交换学习。 金融MBA项目是长江商学院于2009年4月全新启动的在职MBA学位教育项目,也是长江商学院结合自身金融教学力量启动的第一个专业MBA项目。知名校友有陈发树, 马云 ,牛根生。
Disruption Banking Beijing, 11th May 2016
True Global Ventures have held three highly praised Disruption Banking events in Stockholm (10 November 2015), London (20 January 2016) and Paris (21 January 2016). Upcoming events are confirmed for San Francisco (18 April 2016), Stockholm (including Nordics, 22 April 2016) and finally in Beijing on 11 May 2016. The most prominent fintech experiences in Europe, Asia and the US will be presented. Disruption Banking Beijing will feature entrepreneurial stories from founders of USD+100M revenue fintech companies, the latest trends in fintech and insightful panels.
Pre-Event (in collaboration with the Chinese Venture Capital Association) - By invite only
10 May 2016, 19:00-20:30
In-depth Fintech Global Trends including Blockchain
Dušan Stojanović, Angel of the Year 2013 with 9 fintech exits out of 18 investments.
Awarded Top 100 Fintech Leaders in Asia 2016.
No. 35 Qinglong Alley, Anding Gate, Dongcheng District, Beijing.
08:30-08:45 Coffee & Registration
08:45-08:50 Welcome Address
Ji Bo, Assistant Dean, Global Executive Education, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
08:50-09:15 Global Fintech Hubs and the Evolution of Fintech Segments
Dušan Stojanović, Angel of the Year 2013 with 9 fintech exits out of 18 investments.
Awarded Top 100 Fintech Leaders in Asia 2016.
09:15-09:45 US Trends
Featuring Opentopic, Sharespost and Gust - Top fintech companies from San Francisco and New York
Christian Jorg, Founder & CEO of Opentopic, a cognitive digital marketing solution powered by IBM Watson, which enables content marketing for predictable and effective results.
Greg Brogger, Serial Entrepreneur and CEO of Sharespost, San Francisco.
09:45-10:15 US Trends coming to China - Robo Advisory
Jonathan Cai, COO of iMaibo.net
Gregory Van den Bergh, CEO of Micai
10:15-10:50 Entrepreneurial Stories, Payments & Blockchain
Tim Lee, Founder & CEO of QF Pay
Special Guest: Pavel Bains, CEO of Bluzelle on "Blockchain, Ripple, Ethereum, who is going to be the winner?" - Fast, adaptive and agile blockchain solutions for finace, insurance and forex. Bluzelle takes a protocol-agonstic approach using the best blockchain technology where it's best suited.
10:50-11:10 Tea Break
11.10-12.00 Entrepreneurial Stories - Each panel member has founded and ran fintech companies from scratch to revenues of over USD100M
Lending Panel – Barry Freeman, Co-Founder of Jimubox, Jing Xin CTO of Dianrong (Sinolending), Roger Gu President of Wacai, Roger Ying CEO of Pandai
12:00-12:40 Enterprise Use Cases
Customer big data analytics – ICBC & SocialTouch
Data Service - 100 Credit
Moderated by: Dusan Stojanovic
12:40-12:45 China’s Entrepreneurial Scene
Ji Bo, Assistant Dean, Global Executive Education, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
12:45 Networking Lunch (By special invitation)
Thursday, May 11th 2016 from 8.30am to 12:45pm
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, E2 Building, Level 20, Room 9&10, 1 E Chang'an Ave, Dongcheng, Beijing, China
True Global Ventures is a unique, international, early-stage vehicle formed by the world's leading technology entrepreneurs-turned-angel-investors. True Global Ventures leverages the personal networks and expertise of its founders to support its portfolio companies in 9 cities and three continents, investing exclusively in B2B fintech and payments.
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business is a private, non-profit, independent educational institution and the only business school in China with faculty governance. In its 14 years, the school has trained about 3000 CEOs from various Chinese companies, with notable alumni including the founder of the Alibaba Group, Jack Ma; and Wu Yajun, fifth richest person and richest women in China as of 2012. Established in November 2002 through the financial support of the Li Ka Shing Foundation, today CKGSB is considered one of the major graduate business schools in China, with a leading role in the growing Chinese private sector.
Disruption in Banking Beijing, 11th May 2016
继斯德哥尔摩 (10/11/2015),伦敦 (20/01/2016) 和巴黎 (21/01/2016),瓦解银行业也会在旧金山(18/04/2016), 斯德哥尔摩 (北欧活动22/04/2016), 也即将来到北京为您带来最杰出的金融科技体验。本活动将有来自一亿美金收入金融科技公司创始人的企业故事和最新的金融科技发展趋势。次活动有助于首席执行官,首席创新官,企业风险,并购和来自银行,金融,保险,电信,接近金融科技的媒体和风险投资公司的商业领袖。关于演讲机会或活动报名详情,请联系嘉美(微信:jiamei1401)
活动前夕 (与中华股权投资协会协办) - 特别邀请
5月10日 19:00-20:30 深入了解金融科技的发展趋势
Dušan Stojanović, 2013 年最杰出天使投资人 - 共有18个金融科技投资, 9 个已退出, 2016 年亚洲头100名金融科技领袖
No. 35 Qinglong Alley, Anding Gate, Dongcheng District, Beijing.
08:30-08:45 登记
08:45-08:50 欢迎致辞
季波, 助理院长, 全球高层管理教育, 长江商学院
08:50-09:15 全球金融科技中心和金融科技领域的演进
Dušan Stojanović, 2013 年最杰出天使投资人 - 共有18个金融科技投资, 9 个已退出, 2016 年亚洲头100名金融科技领袖
09:15-09:45 美国趋势
Christian Jorg, Founder & CEO Opentopic, 认知数字营销
旧金山:Greg Brogger,Sharespost CEO & 创始人, 连续创业者
09:45-10:15 中国所见的美国趋势 - 机器人顾问
Jonathan Cai, COO of iMaibo.net
Gregory Van den Bergh, CEO 弥财
10:15-10:50 创业故事, 支付 & 区块连
Tim Lee, 钱方好近創始人
特别嘉宾:Pavel Bains, CEO of Bluzelle “区块链, 瑞波,以太坊 - 谁会是大赢家?" - Bluzelle. 快速,自适应,灵便的区块链方案。最适应用于金融保险和外汇。
10:50-11:10 茶点
11:10-12:00 创业故事 - 每个演讲成员都已经成立并运行超过1亿美元收入的金融科技公司
贷款 - 积木盒子, 点融网, 挖财, 盼贷
12:00-12:40 企业用户案例
客户的大数据分析和企业用户案例 -中國工商銀行,Social Touch
数据业务和企业用户案例 - 百融金服
主持:Dusan Stojanovic
12:40-12:45 结束语
季波, 助理院长, 全球高层管理教育, 长江商学院
12:45 交流午宴 (特别邀请)
星期三·,5月11日2016年, 8点半到12点45
True Global Ventures 是由国际世界领先的科技企业家出身的天使投资人。True Global Ventures充分利用个人网络和创始人的专业知识在9个城市专门在B2B 金融科技和支付投资。
长江商学院 创办于2002年11月21日,是由李嘉诚基金会捐资创办并获得中国政府正式批准,拥有独立法人资格的非赢利性教育机构,为国际管理教育协会(AACSB)和欧洲管理发展基金会成员,是国务院学位委员会批准的“工商管理硕士授予单位”。学院有MBA、金融MBA、EMBA、高层管理教育四个项目。MBA项目为全日制英文授课。超过45%的长江MBA学生有机会前往欧美商学院交换学习。 金融MBA项目是长江商学院于2009年4月全新启动的在职MBA学位教育项目,也是长江商学院结合自身金融教学力量启动的第一个专业MBA项目。知名校友有陈发树, 马云 ,牛根生。
Disruption Banking Beijing, 11th May 2016
True Global Ventures have held three highly praised Disruption Banking events in Stockholm (10 November 2015), London (20 January 2016) and Paris (21 January 2016). Upcoming events are confirmed for San Francisco (18 April 2016), Stockholm (including Nordics, 22 April 2016) and finally in Beijing on 11 May 2016. The most prominent fintech experiences in Europe, Asia and the US will be presented. Disruption Banking Beijing will feature entrepreneurial stories from founders of USD+100M revenue fintech companies, the latest trends in fintech and insightful panels.
Pre-Event (in collaboration with the Chinese Venture Capital Association) - By invite only
10 May 2016, 19:00-20:30
In-depth Fintech Global Trends including Blockchain
Dušan Stojanović, Angel of the Year 2013 with 9 fintech exits out of 18 investments.
Awarded Top 100 Fintech Leaders in Asia 2016.
No. 35 Qinglong Alley, Anding Gate, Dongcheng District, Beijing.
08:30-08:45 Coffee & Registration
08:45-08:50 Welcome Address
Ji Bo, Assistant Dean, Global Executive Education, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
08:50-09:15 Global Fintech Hubs and the Evolution of Fintech Segments
Dušan Stojanović, Angel of the Year 2013 with 9 fintech exits out of 18 investments.
Awarded Top 100 Fintech Leaders in Asia 2016.
09:15-09:45 US Trends
Featuring Opentopic, Sharespost and Gust - Top fintech companies from San Francisco and New York
Christian Jorg, Founder & CEO of Opentopic, a cognitive digital marketing solution powered by IBM Watson, which enables content marketing for predictable and effective results.
Greg Brogger, Serial Entrepreneur and CEO of Sharespost, San Francisco.
09:45-10:15 US Trends coming to China - Robo Advisory
Jonathan Cai, COO of iMaibo.net
Gregory Van den Bergh, CEO of Micai
10:15-10:50 Entrepreneurial Stories, Payments & Blockchain
Tim Lee, Founder & CEO of QF Pay
Special Guest: Pavel Bains, CEO of Bluzelle on "Blockchain, Ripple, Ethereum, who is going to be the winner?" - Fast, adaptive and agile blockchain solutions for finace, insurance and forex. Bluzelle takes a protocol-agonstic approach using the best blockchain technology where it's best suited.
10:50-11:10 Tea Break
11.10-12.00 Entrepreneurial Stories - Each panel member has founded and ran fintech companies from scratch to revenues of over USD100M
Lending Panel – Barry Freeman, Co-Founder of Jimubox, Jing Xin CTO of Dianrong (Sinolending), Roger Gu President of Wacai, Roger Ying CEO of Pandai
12:00-12:40 Enterprise Use Cases
Customer big data analytics – ICBC & SocialTouch
Data Service - 100 Credit
Moderated by: Dusan Stojanovic
12:40-12:45 China’s Entrepreneurial Scene
Ji Bo, Assistant Dean, Global Executive Education, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
12:45 Networking Lunch (By special invitation)
Thursday, May 11th 2016 from 8.30am to 12:45pm
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, E2 Building, Level 20, Room 9&10, 1 E Chang'an Ave, Dongcheng, Beijing, China
True Global Ventures is a unique, international, early-stage vehicle formed by the world's leading technology entrepreneurs-turned-angel-investors. True Global Ventures leverages the personal networks and expertise of its founders to support its portfolio companies in 9 cities and three continents, investing exclusively in B2B fintech and payments.
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business is a private, non-profit, independent educational institution and the only business school in China with faculty governance. In its 14 years, the school has trained about 3000 CEOs from various Chinese companies, with notable alumni including the founder of the Alibaba Group, Jack Ma; and Wu Yajun, fifth richest person and richest women in China as of 2012. Established in November 2002 through the financial support of the Li Ka Shing Foundation, today CKGSB is considered one of the major graduate business schools in China, with a leading role in the growing Chinese private sector.
- Wednesday, May 11, 2016 from 8:30 AM to 12:45 PM (CST) - Add to Calendar
- Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business - E2 Building, Level 20, Room 9&10, 1 E Chang'an Ave, Dongcheng, Beijing, China, Beijing, China - View Map