Media Coverage
TECH IN ASIA: "A number of pioneers in the field are already trying to make this a reality. One of them is Romain Nouzareth, co-founder, chairman and CEO of 'green' bitcoin mining firm Canada Computation Unlimited (CCU), which has received funding from Singapore-based True Global Ventures.
In French: True Global Ventures, le fonds d'investissement décentralisé qui mise sur les projets blockchain (Translated) True Global Ventures, the decentralized investment fund that focuses on blockchain projects
In Swedish: Dušan Stojanovićs TGV når nya milstolpar – nu satsar han på att göra krypto grönt (Translated) TGV reaches new milestones - now investing in making crypto green)
TECH IN ASIA: "We never give up on any company. We're here with them until the day they run dry," declares Kelly Choo, a founding partner and board member of True Global Ventures (TGV)
True Global Ventures' Stojanovic: “Metakovan buying a Beeple for $69.3 million made NFTs a new asset class”:
In his discussion with Emmanuel Daniel, True Global Ventures founder and director Dusan Stojanovic shared the development path of non-fungible tokens and how these are now generating new revenue streams for the entertainment and gaming industries. |
Only in Swedish: I dagens podd pratar vi med Dusan Stojanovic som driver det globala investeringsnätverket "True Global Ventures". Vi fick då höra om Dusans drömaffär som nu blivit godkänd. Vi får också höra om investeringar i block chain-teknik och NFT ("Non fungible token") som Dusan tror är nästa stora område där han kan hitta avkastning. Podden leds av Daniel Ljungström.